S – Specific. Be specific about what you want to accomplish. Start with the Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
M – Measurable. How will you measure this goal to know when you’ve achieved success? This piece can be quantitative (numbers) or qualitative (surveys or feedback)
A – Achievable. Think about what makes your goal achievable and what will motivate you to complete it.
R – Relevant. Your goal should fit into an overall plan. Think about how achieving one goal fits into a larger-scale plan and why that does or doesn’t make sense for you to accomplish it at this point in time.
T – Time Bound. Think about how much time you need to achieve your goal and whether or not that’s reasonable. Will you be able to finish in 3 months, 6 months, at the end of the year? It’s important to think about this piece so you can keep checking in with yourself on how you’re progressing.
What SMART goals are you setting for 2023?